
What to expect about joining DeMolay

Requirements for membership:

To be eligible to join DeMolay, three simple requirements need to be met by the applicant.

You are a young man between the ages of 12 and 21.

You are of good moral character.

Furthermore, you believe in a supreme being (all religions welcome).

The Process:

You will need to complete and application that will ask for some basic information about you. Your application must be accompanied by your one-time Life Time Membership fee of $100.00.

You may visit us any time and obtain an application and more information directly from us. It is helpful to get to know the members and learn more about the organization. This can be done at our informal events, or before our business meetings. The Chapter’s business meetings are normally “member's only” but our other meetings and social events may be available for you to attend as a guest.

From the time you express interest in joining DeMolay, you are welcome to all of our open events. Before you can be formally made a member, however, your application must be acted upon by the members. Representatives of the Chapter will ask to meet with you and your parents before the Chapter votes to make you a member.

DeMolay maintains many impressive traditions. Among them are the formal ceremonies for receiving new members. Your parents and other adult relatives over 21 years of age will be welcome at all of these ceremonies.